rat run

美 [ˈræt rʌn]英 [ˈræt rʌn]
  • n.(开车者在高峰时段为避开拥挤的大路而行驶其间的)小街

复数: rat runs

rat runrat run


BrE informal(开车者在高峰时段为避开拥挤的大路而行驶其间的)小街
a small road, especially one with houses on it, used by drivers during busy times when the main roads are full of traffic

rat run


  • 1
    N-COUNT (驾驶员在交通高峰时段为避开主路车流而穿行的)小胡同,狭窄夹道
    A rat run is a small street which drivers use during busy times in order to avoid heavy traffic on the main roads.

  1. He can see if it can regrow and the rat can still run around its cage .


  2. A rat was trained to run a maze .


  3. Everyone shouts " kill it " when a rat is seen to run across the street . He has crossed the border into another territory . Many steel arch bridges cross the Mississippi in its lower reaches . They have crossed over to Japan .
